International Multicentric
Observational Study
Patient management in the contaminated zone after exposure to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive (CBRNE) attack: an international multicentric observational study. This study is registered to the US Clinical Trial (NCT05026645) and has been approved by the Ethical Review Committee of CHU Sainte-Justine (Montreal, Canada). Please note, enrolment to this study will allow you to gain accesses to the electronic case report forms (eCRFs)(Operational and Demo/Training Versions). Here is the link for the Clinical US Trial: https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05026645
This study is complementary to the Study Violent Non-State Actor
(CBRN Data Portal): https://cbrn.umd.edu/.
Description de l'étude
Cette étude observationnelle multicentrique internationale évalue la réponse médicale aux événements chimiques, biologiques, radiologiques, nucléaires et explosifs (CBRNE) au cours des cinq dernières décennies ainsi qu'après de futures attaques CBRNE qui pourraient survenir au cours des 15 prochaines années (c'est-à-dire : de 1970 à 2036).
Voici le lien vers notre premier article : https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/12/9/e065015
Ce projet de recherche fait partie du programme de recherche multisystème VIMY et créera une base de données clinique pour permettre des recherches plus approfondies en cas de catastrophe. Les détails de sa fabrication seront éventuellement présentés sur cette page. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter Stéphane Bourassa

Membres actifs
Dr. Captain (retired) Stephane Bourassa, PhD, RN, CD
Université de Montréal - CHU Ste-Justine - Medical Intelligence CBRNE Inc. - Montreal & Quebec, Canada
Dr. Atsushi Kawaguchi, MD, PhD
Tokyo Women's Medical University, Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Steve Sin, PhD
Maryland University - United States
Hristijan Ivanovski, MA
University of Manitoba Centre for Defence and Security Studies
BA in Political Studies (specialization: International Relations)
MA in Political Studies (Strategic & Security Studies)
Lieutenant (Navy)(retired) Jeffrey Lee, RN, CD
Acting on his behalf. - Quebec, Canada
Affiliated to Department of National Defence
Dr. Philippe Jouvet, MD, PhD, MBA
Université de Montréal - CHU Ste-Justine - Montreal, Canada
Dr. Jérôme Rambaud, MD, PhD
Sorbonne University - Paris, France
Dr. Marc Binder, MD, Honorary Researcher
Maryland University - United States
Dr. Guillaume Jean, MD
Université Laval Institut Universtaire de Cardiologie et Pneumologie de Québec
Major (retired) Daniel Noebert, CD
Medical Intelligence CBRNE Inc. - Quebec, Canada
Membres retraités
Dr. Jacinthe Leclerc, RN, PhD, FAHA
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada. Centre de Recherche Institut Universtaire de Cardiologie et Pneumologie de Québec
Dr. Major (retired) Marc Dauphin, MSM, CD, MD
Medical Intelligence CBRNE Inc. - Quebec (Canada)
Sergeant (retired) Nadine Laflamme, CD
Medical Intelligence CBRNE Inc. - Quebec, Canada
Major (retired) Daan Beijer , CD
Medical Intelligence CBRNE Inc. - Quebec, Canada
Affiliated to the Department of National Defence
Mr Yvan Fortier (retired)
Programmer, LTB of the QRHN - Quebec, Canada
Mrs Mina Dligui (retired)
Programmer, LTB of the QRHN - Quebec, Canada
Master-Warrant Officer (retired) François Léger, CD
Medical Intelligence CBRNE Inc. - Quebec, Canada